there was absolutely no pikmin jokes.
there was NO pikmin jokes.
this is just
another game parody full of tweens
nothing too creative
just another halo/mario crossover
this probably took less than 10 mins to make, and it got a better score than most things people put effort in
2 for a mildly interesting joke that i havent seen thought of before
-8 for unorigonality, bad tweens, and lack of any attention to detail
Sorry to hear you disliked it. In complete honesty, I am unsure of how cartoons do not include tweens like sprites do as you say. "Full of tweens"
Enlighten me please. I was under the impression that is one of the things Flash was made famous for. As fort the amount of time it took creating this, yes it may have took you or someone else with much background experience with Flash 10 minutes, but it took me quite a few hours of my own time to do so.
Either way, thank you for your honest submission, I trust not many people around here are fond of sprites for whatever the reason, but personally I enjoy using them simply because I am not a good artist. Cartoons would not be on my side xP
get me....
1 side order of bagels on my last order
2 chicken chalupa grandes without the sauce except for the next one that will be with the sauce first
and a second order of fries with the first next after the bagels with extra salt
and an order of bagels, but forget the first order of bagels and instead get me an extra chalupa for my grandma
i also want a value kids supreme meal with an adult beverage and no toy, but ill buy the two seperate toys and the side of fries will also be seperate from the order of bages cuz we'll pay from 2 vehicles
you got all that sir?
albert: photographer rebuttle
many will not see the various film parodies within this wild episode of general albert
and the pussycats
i personally enjoyed when the reservoir dogs theme played to the five fellows that were each labelled as a "mr." "color/faggot"
it was quite the humorous display
but next time, add more boobs and lesbos
origonality suits you
nice voice syncing and sketchy style (this is the only not sarcastic part)
i really love the totally origonal characters and script that you, yourself have devised.
you have the creative mind that aristotle would be jealous of!
in fact...
this could become a TV show at some point....
have a nice future.
i heard antifreeze has some great vitamin c
this reminds me of early zekey stuff
great animation and highly underrated
i really enjoyed the crazy shaky style with the mildly funny storyline
this definitely deserves higher than a 3.03
i personally do think that there were too many mario sound effects used though :/
woop woooop!
by: Fawx
date: October 5, 2008
This in incredible. You are indeed a god of guitar.
illeged octuple
dvd with all the episodes tied into a movie
you are seriously the best playwright on newgrounds.
this was more of a sonnet that exposed the pure humor and sadness of a life
it is truely an underrated media masterpiece max....
you have created something that goes beyond the lines of convinient flash artistry
something that went miles outside of that old box, and made its mark
this entire series is a masterpiece and should have its place in history
or even a TV spot
release a dvd with all of the episodes tied together in a saga of the 5 stories.
this is actually rivaling pulp fiction in story.
im in awe (again)
and just for kicks....
"cool story bro!"
i'm horsen. i make cartoons, music, art, and mischief on the net. get down you funky clowns.
Age 32, Male
davidson highschool graduate
alabama torture
Joined on 10/9/06