i have to say....
kind of sad.....
the visuals were poorly made
the art was choppy and almost unfinished
and the animation quality was kind of sad....
better luck next time
choppy.... but funny
the animation aspect was a bit choppy at times
i loved the author's mini game
clever idea with wonderful presentation
the actual collab was a bit short to me for some reason.... not sure
i loved every second though
but there is one thing....
but not too many to drown the real talent
PS: eman..... work on writing..... and lip syncing..... but not bad :)
i enjoyed it
congrats on a solid collab!!!! (the Easter eggs were great :P)
damn those kids!!!
and all their flashy cars
and their swine flu
and thier pocket radios
and their three ess pees
and their zeelduh
and their toothbrushes
and their fried chicken
and their modern fancy shmancy hedgeclippers!!!
why when i was your age i had to walk through 129 miles of cold ice flowing over an active volcano with packs of rabid wolves trying to tear us limb from limb.
and that was to get breakfeast!
to get lunch...
(dozes off to sleep)
PS: this movie was pretty accurate!
its a great take on pokemon
but why did you use sneasel if your gonna use lucario???
i understand the polar opposite idea, but why diddnt you use weavile???
if your gonna leap to the next generation with lucario, why not have the trainer use next gen stuff?
weavile is 10x beter than sneasel, but i digress from my real point...
this movie is kickass, insane visuals, amazing effort, great sounds, and a perfectly executed style
i tried to give this flash a 6/5, but the 6 button i drew on my laptop screen wasnt responding to the mouse clicks :C
so you get a 5, and for kicks, a 10
you keep this kind of animation going!!!
PS: i couldnt find 1 easter egg.... :C
I dunnoe, I find weavile abit gay with the frilly pink thing around its neck.
easter egg wise, u can only find it at the end of the animation if you dont click replay
madness 12.... graduation....
madness 12.... sensation...
madness 12.... precipitation...
madness 12.... inflammation...
madness 12.... association...
they just go oooon and ooon!!!!
great animation luis! i really enjoyed the joke
satires AWAY!
nice little cycle idea
but a loop would've been more suited for this
the animations were a bit shaky as usual, and carried an insanimation charm that seems to always work...
nice job!
it was a good submission!
Hehe, yeah, I wanted a loop, but couldn't be bothered :P
"Shaky as usual"? "Insanimation charm"? I'm not sure what to make of this..
Thanks anyways :)
its odd and slow
the animations weren't horrible, but they ran at a slow fps rate that made the flash look very unprofessional.
the story was pretty good, showing how your beginning wants to eat you.... wait....
ok, i seriously diddnt find anything deep in it
its actual fps was a bit shaky and cheaply done, but it had a charm to it... i cant quite identify what though...
good job, but not great...
Heh, thanks. We actually weren't allowed to work with anything other than 12fps. It seriously sucks, as I'm used to 24..
Also, did I mention it was done with a mouse?
i'm horsen. i make cartoons, music, art, and mischief on the net. get down you funky clowns.
Age 32, Male
davidson highschool graduate
alabama torture
Joined on 10/9/06