when i see satire that in no way uses any semblance of subtlety and prides over the excessive detail in a way that diminishes the over all simplicity of the message, it puts me in a bad mood. saying someone is bad by using misrepresentations in hyperbole just isn't my thing sure, but when its done obnoxiously from a writing standpoint, i dont know how it could be enjoyable to anyone. the animation was fast, purposefully improperly edited, paced terribly, has a very moot point about someone i have never watched, nor care to, and generally didn't make me laugh.
its not to say that the detailed animation is a bad thing at all, but it lacks any sort of subjective charm to its excecution. its there to gratuitously say someone is annoying and unfavorable WHILE being annoying and unfavorable itself. its like the pot calling the kettle black in animation and writing terms.
had you:
A. focused on a more simple point and dragged it out to the point of genuine lunacy
B. paced the flash a tad slower in order to keep the jokes from being glanced over
C. kept a focus to the satire in a way that factually discredits this person
or, finally
D. made any attempt at all to appeal this message to anyone who hasn't actually seen or heard of this person, and pulled it out of the box of inside jokes it resides
it would have been much better in my opinion. better luck next time