i'm horsen. i make cartoons, music, art, and mischief on the net. get down you funky clowns.

Daniel @Horsenwelles

Age 32, Male


davidson highschool graduate

alabama torture

Joined on 10/9/06

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sprite a day revenge has concluded!

Posted by Horsenwelles - January 2nd, 2013

we made it. we fucking made it.

31 flashes in technically 33 days due to late submissions, general group dissonance, holidays, etc. doesn't matter who gives a fuck. WE DID IT.

here's the full playlist of every episode shown: http://www.newgrounds.com/playlists/view/ff1db94 17670a8e0664553f8e29ab268

here's the sprite a day finale alone: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/608712

below is a picture of a dog bone.


sprite a day revenge has concluded!


gr8 job m8.

open g8 you fucking 2l

Aw<a href="http://www..">www..</a>. Done already?
I liked 'em despite some of the bad jokes that were there.

the good, the bad, and the ugly. we contained and presented. no matter what, made them.

Is that an actual DOGS bone!? D:
or a bone FOR a dog?
And well done, It was an awesome series :D

its both. dogs are cannibals

Well overall I say Sprite a day was a success, each submission got a great score (3 stars) and we managed to steal portal awards from 2 way more deserving artists.

But now that it's over, what will I do, where will I go?

go into the world piggy. there are adventures awaiting you =)

That playlist needs a 280x280 icon! Also great work bringing it all together in a month!

haha thank you tom! i'll make a nice icon for the playlist in a little bit ;)


you son of a beotch this just reminded me that you are still doing this shitty gayness but now it just told me that its over so i kind of chuckled to myself

oh kinner

Is that a dog's bone or a bone for a dog? o.o

P.S. When's the next time you're doing something like Sprite-A-Day again, if you are?

i'm sorry, but i'm not hosting it or any other daily collab again. i'm sure someone else will if you talk to them and brainstorm an idea

Congrats for finishing Sprite-a-Day.

dante224 you're the worst kind of troll.

It's perfectly fine to have your own opinion, your own taste, but attempting to pass off your high-horse holier-than-thou "I know better than you" diatribe of repetitive horse shit as a genuine review is piteous.

You nip at the heels of anything "popular". Literally, if it's got a decent rating. You trash it. If it's by someone more popular than you. You trash it. You're predictable.

You are no one's judge. No one cares about your verdict. No one cares to do "better next time" by your standards. Because creators generally only take criticism seriously when they respect the source.

My verdict for you as a competent reviewer : 2/10

Better luck next time.

hey mick here's a little something from zach and i:

"[1/10/2013 3:01:15 AM] Zach: dude no, i appreciate the fact that you left that and cared enough to want to see me improve
Zach: i want to improve, if i didn't, i wouldn't be where i am
Zach: i still have a long way to go
Zach: in every aspect
Zach: visual, writing, audio, everything
Zach: i'm well aware

[1/10/2013 3:01:58 AM] Daniel C. K.: we both do, but you are what? 3 years younger than i? you're on this niche

[1/10/2013 3:01:59 AM] Zach: i'm just curious why anyone that isn't me would take your words seriously

[1/10/2013 3:02:38 AM] Daniel C. K.: idk

[1/10/2013 3:02:43 AM] Zach: i'm not sayng they should

[1/10/2013 3:02:48 AM] Daniel C. K.: they usually dont until i talk to them

[1/10/2013 3:02:57 AM] Zach: but clearly you have a vision and want to see things done
Zach: i mean honestly, why don't you apply those things to your own work?
Zach: i think it'd be cool
Zach: you clearly have an idea of where you think would be a good place to be"

we spoke for about an hour and it wasn't "oh you're a troll fucku ur stoopid". it was honest and sincere. at what point do you think i hate all popular artists when i absolutely adore david firth and max gilardi? if they make something i don't find funny or conveying what they are setting out to convey i'll say it, but to suggest that i am immediately here to discredit authors who have a wealth of fans solely based on that then you are far into the mistaken zone micky. i'm surprised you think i'm a troll when i give the authors actual things they could improve on and spend time and care into giving them an impression of what i got from their works. i'm not here to judge you, but damn do you look arrogant to me right now.

I never assumed you were the "oh [I'm] a troll fucku ur stoopid" type. That's why I prefaced it with the "worst kind". Because rather than simply stating contentious rage-fodder, your responses are in the guise of an actual review. But maybe that was presumptuous of me. Maybe that's really just how your mind works. That you really do think that you know better. Because I personally rarely think I'm in a position to tell others, especially those more experienced than myself, what they've done right (or in your case, more so what they've done wrong)...ad nauseam.

If that is the case, then I'm judging your behavoir based on my own self-deprecated sense of critical ability, which would be unfair to judge you by those standards. And in which case, I'd apologize.

Glancing through your reviews it's pretty clear that (with a few exceptions), if something is generally well-received or made by someone "popular", you break it down. That's totally your prerogative to do so, but to do so while claiming that you're a sincere impartial critique is kinda disingenuous. Maybe you're just a contrarian. I was when I was younger.

If I sound arrogant because I felt the need to let off steam, I could see how the two could be confused. I'd argue, that there's nothing more arragont than assuming you know better than those that are so much more experienced than you (not talking about myself here). There is freedom of speech, you've got the right to any and all of your opinions, but there's nothing more arrogant or dripping with self-import than ending reviews with "my verdict" or "better luck next time" or the like.

In all honesty, I should have (a) never written anything or (b) written you directly. Sometimes I hit a breaking point. I'm already well aware of how much you hate that I'm in so many projects (you've yet to state your reason for that btw), and after skimming through some friends' flashes, your reviews kept popping up, and I finally felt the need to say something. I'm also bed-ridden and generally grumpy, a poor excuse, but probably why I actually started this conversation and am continuing it now.

Either way, I apologize. I should have known better. It was poor judgement on my part. Whatever last words you have, I'll leave the issue to rest. Congrats on your 30 das of sprites.

where did i say that i hate anything? people keep suggesting that i hate things. if i hated something i'd probably just steer clear of it. i'd prefer a slightly better wording, like dislike or i have a distaste for something.

and the fact that you're a part of a ton of projects never really crosses my mind, and it doesn't bother me. the most i can say is that you generally get a lot of praise for very little work, but even so you do so much of that as well as larger projects that you're doing a respectable amount of your own effort. its definitely not what i focused on at all, and i don't remember bringing it up.

the "much more experienced than you" thing i can see fine, but if you alienate any amount of constructive criticism, whether it be from a user without anything or a flash animator of 6 years, you are judging the value of human lives in essence. when you get a negative review from the review request club: a club of people who have mostly not made much flash and simply sign on to review work, the author generally doesn't complain about their lack of experience because they have seen a ton of flash and they know how to judge visual media. i don't see why experience would discredit a person's words without some personal vendetta.

honestly i think this whole thing spawned from everyone involved in the hellbenders production not being able to handle negative reviews. even zach opened up with a little bit of frustration and he brought up my projects as if they were in question. i just dont think anyone, including me, likes to see a flash of their own thats doing well get a negative review with any semblance of honesty behind it. everyone but zach pretty much called me a troll first, which i found to be a self-comforting thing for them, trying to hold on to that fact that nobody could seriously dislike their works, and that it wasn't a real happenstance. it felt like that and it makes me a little sad.

thanks for the apology though. i'm sorry i kept you here on my shitty little page to read a ton of text.