i'm horsen. i make cartoons, music, art, and mischief on the net. get down you funky clowns.
Age 32, Male
davidson highschool graduate
alabama torture
Joined on 10/9/06
It was great... although, I noticed a couple little minor fudge-ups...
A couple of flashes went out of sync... and the galaxy one was placed a little to the bottom right, and you could see the background, also, some flashes were quiet, and some were loud as FUCK!
But it was so enjoyable! You could tell that people weren't just spamming up the collab, and I had a couple of good laughs! My fave was the Mario in the alley bit.
Now that I'm done writing this I realized this could've been a review... oh wellz!
I promise, next time you throw a collab I will make SURE I fully understand it, and not animate only when I'm drunk... well, not as much anyway :3
-Great Job!
not only was it Fagalicious, but it was homoerectous and what-not" this is the representation of all PARODY parodies stand for! and I don't like it my good sir!
yummy statement you drunk bastard :D
lets all laugh at emanhattan and his idealism :D haha!
the laughing is over >:C
go suck a gun
your the first to be a spamming faggot
look at what this collab has made you into XD
you have done NOTHING but scream at me for making a collab which we knew would end up like this
you used to be a respectable animator and decent person...... but now......
all from 1 little collab :(
just calm down and realize that not all of NG is stupid (yeah, i remember your comment about how people would inadvertently love it and that they would just post spammy all caps reviews.... OH and that this would spawn crappy flashes ruining mario even more than he already is)
get a life
"get a life"
people are always asking me: "hey! do you have a mushroom?" and i always say "my dick"
that is called text
we use it in conversation
we laugh at it sometimes
thanks for pointing it out in such a displayed array :D
I'm not drunk... yet. I've only had 3 beers... although they were tall boys... (Busch Light FTW!)
also, we all knew Emantastic was going to do this... he makes really good points, and and he wants us to acknowledge them...
but I just wish he didn't care SO MUCH that he THINKS he is the only one who can, and will obliterate us from making flash! although we both couldn't care less...
I'm glad you submitted it... it is a learning experience, and we should do it again sometime!
...wanna touch dicks?
what? lmao
*falls into a ravigne*
but yeah, it was an amazing experience
you and kyt seem to be the obly 2 who understand this collab
Words cannot describe the amount of fail that has been dumped onto newgrounds.
there are words
just remember them
snawsball shut your fucking stupid retarded mouth
your not appearing in the spanish dictionary......
added you to PORTAL BUDS
you did.....
you missed the whole point of metal gear funnies
which you pretty much completely ripped
the point was too MOCK and SATIRIZE shitty cartoons, not make a carbon copy of those shitty cartoons and rub shit on them
i had the point
i truthfully wanted to make a satiric tribute at first,
but then the back alleys got pissed at me
i wasnt planning to copy any of it after that until conner
then i said "fuck it"
and i mixed parody and satire for the first time
How unfunny can you be????!?!?
you are officially gay
and not very unfunny
i loved it
i see
you are now promoted to scalawag!
move those arms! you scalawag!