It was great... although, I noticed a couple little minor fudge-ups...
A couple of flashes went out of sync... and the galaxy one was placed a little to the bottom right, and you could see the background, also, some flashes were quiet, and some were loud as FUCK!
But it was so enjoyable! You could tell that people weren't just spamming up the collab, and I had a couple of good laughs! My fave was the Mario in the alley bit.
Now that I'm done writing this I realized this could've been a review... oh wellz!
I promise, next time you throw a collab I will make SURE I fully understand it, and not animate only when I'm drunk... well, not as much anyway :3
-Great Job!
i loved it
i see
you are now promoted to scalawag!
move those arms! you scalawag!