i'm horsen. i make cartoons, music, art, and mischief on the net. get down you funky clowns.

Daniel @Horsenwelles

Age 32, Male


davidson highschool graduate

alabama torture

Joined on 10/9/06

Exp Points:
6,548 / 6,940
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6.65 votes
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Art Scouts
Police Sergeant
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B/P Bonus:
10m 25d


October 28th- 2020-- Ten years have passed since the calamity.

Tabitha enters the front lobby of the carnival holding a brand new cup of coffee and a very sad look about her. She holds in her hand the last remains of several carnival workers inside a briefcase at her side. She approaches the employee lounge and meets up with the original crew that created the very foundations of the carnival over forty years ago. These men include James Turner; the concrete operator and distributor, Mark Everett; the CAD designer and architect of the entire park (DECEASED. HAS LEFT A RECORDING FOR THE CREW ON VIDEO), Roger Forge; the woodwork and steelwork manager and smelter, and finally our previous narrator, Dante Carpenter; who you already know as the mechanical engineer and electrician.

Tabitha: Boys, it's about time we go pay our respects... this-

James: THIS was not supposed to ever happen you stupid tart. you had us all completely wrapped up on some fantastical event of fun and excitement and then POOF! this whole thing happens and now i'm out forty million in investment options. it's a BAD look to be a part of this kind of tragedy on your credit, ya feel me?

Tabitha: Listen, I cannot be more sorry for the loss of your multi million dollar investment options, but look people's lives were fucking lost because of us. Even if we didn't know about it, we ALL have something to admit here.

Dante: Tabby, i'm unemployed and cannot even feed my kids too well without taking small jobs now because they ruined my credit over this. YOU DON'T GET IT! They are HOUNDING me day and night about this. there are literally body parts in that briefcase that i'm responsible for not keeping on those people... I don't know how I can even forgive myself for working with you.

James: Dan, it's not our fault man. We just got looped in because of Mark and tabby. we both know what THEY were up to because of...

Dante: yeah the vagrant scheme i know.... none of that matters anymore because there are no visitors but ghost watchers and those abandoned park people creeping around every year. I mean , I don't even care about it. there wasn't any reason for the whole machine to be this out of whack to begin with either. I WORKED FOR TEN YEARS making sure that each and every grip, axel and animatronic piece would flow right and nobody would get hurt. HOW THE FUCK does it just collapse all at once!? YOU TELL ME THAT TABBY! YOU TELL ME!

Tabitha:.... I saw the ropes and sprockets being manipulated and cut up by some of the workers... someone was obviously sabotaging the unit before we even got to work with it. I told them not to break character or break industry standards but... yeah. Someone seriously wanted my vision to fall apart.

James: YOU BITCH! it was MARK'S vision and now he's dead because of the virus. We have nothing but his word to go on and I don't know why you would DARE take credit for "vision" when he literally drew it up.

Tabitha: Speaking of, let's see what he had to say about all this shall we? I haven't watched his last video correspondence... this is all new to me and i'm certain all three of us.

The group sighs and she picks up a video tape with the label reading "Mark E. Jan 2020 final notice" and puts it in a VCR located by the flat screen TV on the lobby wall. The tape begins with Mark backing away from the camera as he adjusts the settings and sits down in a chair in an office filled with personal pictures and posters.

Mark: Hi... Tabby. I'm not doing too well lately but I do think that I have some good news about the project... I QUIT!!! YEAH! It's over! You have this weird fetish for wood on flesh and hooks and straps and stuff and I'm sick of fulfilling your dark twisted fantasies with my designs. so let me give you some information: I'M going to be a dad in eight months and I CANNOT be a part of your stupid nonsense while i raise two kids so, just so you know.... its over. I'm done. I know about the litterers and how you hired the loitering people for high prices and stuff. I know about all of the underground smuggling of quick cash and I sure as hell don't know if you did this on purpose or not. it still pisses me off to know about too. I mean, you just put on a costume and feel all superior to us? Come on! WE were YOUR weapons for this. I just... i don't know.... i cannot repair that monstrosity again and i'm sure as hell not gonna work for a lying b-" (the tape stops abruptly)

Tabitha: I think he said his piece... My condolences to his wife and children... he obviously was overworked and had some severe emotional baggage so i'll send them my best wishes and a gift basket.

James: ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!? a gift basket? what a cheap old hag you are. He's DEAD. GONE. you and him were basically the biggest scam artists in the county and i had to lay the foundations for it! Look, I got a real business to run so I'm going back to the factory. Thanks for all the work I guess. Peace.

James walks out of the lounge with a scowl and a lit cigarette in his lips. He turns back and stops to say one last thing.

James: Oh and Tabby? I just wanted to tell you... Kim works for me at the foundry. you might want to meet back up with her sometime. she will DEFINITELY have a lot to talk to YOU about...

The door shuts and Tabitha fixes her glasses while she sips on her cold cup of coffee. Dante gets up and puts his hand on her shoulder.

Dante: Look, you cannot beat around the bush forever on this. someone has to go down legally for all this and they still have the case open after all these years. if there is anyone you can find out about for me, please do. I want some closure after what I had to see... I just can't sleep well anymore after seeing the burning parts of a hundred people crashing down together in flames and ... jesus... I just can't...

Tabitha: Dan you have always been there for me. please just stay healthy and i'll loan you some money to get by for the kids, alright?

Dante: thanks Tabby... it's... it's hard times for sure and i can't thank you enough.

Tabitha: I'm headed off to find out just who made my favorite roller coaster set ablaze... so just wait Dan. I'll find them.

She hands him a few thousand dollars and some of the snacks from the kraft foods service table. They both leave the now closed and dismantled carnival. still glistening as always from the midday sun. the tour bus arrives to take them off and the carnival retreats back into the trees as the highway greets them.

Tabitha arrives at Turner Foundry the next morning. She Carries along the briefcase and a few papers in order to remember the specifics about the child, now a well paid adult who now works proudly at James’ establishment as a concrete mold operator and designer. She has grown quite a bit since the carnival opening. Her ebony skin is complimented wildly by her unkempt red hair balled up into a beautiful bun, which she tucked underneath her hard hat.

Kim: Well, well, well as I live and breathe! The creepo woman who took us from our comfy home all those years ago! How goes it Mrs. Carnival Lady?

Tabitha: Hello there Kim! How wonderfully you’ve aged! It seems I have caught you in the middle of work! I’m so sorry to…

Kim: No, it's fine. I’m happy to oblige on such a very specific day. I mean it's almost ten years since… well you know what happened.

Tabitha: Yeah, I know and I'm very glad you two weren’t there to see the carnage of the now deceased ferris wheel, pardon my humor.

Kim: Lots of families lost loved ones because of you guys, you know. I’m almost sure you had something to do with it too.

Tabitha: oh come on kimmy, i would never sabotage my own crafts. Do you even know how long it took to prepare every part of that thing? Eight. Whole. Years. No way do I even have the capabilities or reason to mess with MY own audience and crew.

Kim: hey, i’m just sayin… you did make the whole thing happen so…

Tabitha: It was just a malfunction. That’s all we know.

Kim: Then tell me… why even come to me now? I don’t know anything about what happened that day. Heck, I barely know what I'm doing half the time here at work. We just pour concrete mostly so I'm just watching time go by and making sure nobody gets hurt. Feel me?

Tabitha: you cheeky… okay that was a low blow but… yeah I see what you mean. I am partly to blame for this. But I'm actually here to find out if you know anything about a certain few people who might be a part of the legal issue at hand.

Kim: I only know what I saw on that day. All I saw was… wait a minute… my shirt… it wasn’t the right color stain… I remember that. And there was this worker who talked to me on the bus ride over and she was really sad and distant about what she was doing… i forget her name… but maybe she had some info on what was going on. I know she was wearing a tracksuit and it was covered in nonsense things like fuzz balls and springs and stuff… she was… very weird.

Tabitha: That is actually very helpful that you mentioned her. She was one of the missing workers during the opening day. She didn’t fill out her punch card. I think her name was… Rose White i think. Something like that. She was one of the axel pieces… she… um… oh well never mind i don’t know if she was there.

Kim: oh, well i’m glad i helped i guess. Say what's all that in that big briefcase you are carrying? something naughty i should know about?

Tabitha: oh just a few pieces and parts. Body parts. I’m returning some of the found remains to the memorial today. I just wondered about the possible connections you or James may have to any of these past events, but I think I've heard enough. Thank you so much Kimberly. You have been such a wonderful guest at our attractions. I hope to keep up with you and the family.

Kim: Yeah, it's nice seeing you… I have to get back to work. James hates when I'm late for the operator! Gotta do the daily grind you know!

Tabitha: for sure, for sure. Hey, can you tell your brother I stopped by? I happen to have something he might want.

Tabitha takes out a few new Android tablets from her jacket and hands them to Kim as well as a few pictures from the files that have hidden camera shots of them back in 2010.

Kim: Oh wow! Thank you so much!!!! I’m actually overjoyed you gave these to me because we could always use new replacements! And… these…. Oh wow we were so young back then! Look how stupid david looks in that T shirt! Haha!

Tabitha: Listen, I have no time to waste. I have to get to the memorial soon and I'm sure you have a lot on your plate. I’ll be seeing you Kim.

They wave goodbye and Tabitha gathers her things and heads to the manager room where James is shifting paperwork around the desks and making sure all the daily output mail is in order.

Tabitha: James, look I'm here to ask about Mark's wife. I’m not stupid and i know you both were in on this whole thing. Dante doesn’t know a thing about the affair and neither did mark. He’s probably not even aware about the fact that he’s not a father at all.

James: I’m Busy. Please leave. I’m not guilty of any murder charges or sabotage, you have my alibis in order, i’m very sure of that. The fact is if you want to know anything about who was doing something to your park you’re out of luck. It's just a waste of time at this point. The park is over. I’m done. I’ve accepted any blood they want to throw at me and those families deserve some kind of…

Tabitha: You have kids to take care of. That's the only reason I'm not going to blast your brains out, you know? I was SO tempted when I found out about the affair. You were totally not treating our friend OUR COLLEAGUE with any kind of respect. This is all going on in your conscience if you even have one left.

James: I got work to attend to. Leave. Now.

Tabitha slams the door in frustration and gets into her van in the parking lot. She writes down a few observations about the establishment and a few memos about her possible suspects for the fires. Her newest lead is the worker who is long gone, but she finds details on the name Roselle White in the yellow pages. She finds the new number and home address and makes sure to invite her to the memorial service.

Mountainview Lodge Inn & Event Center, Troy Michigain, November 5th 2020

The service desk is flooded with people all wanting to fill out RSVP pamphlets that they were issued at their arrival to the services. They are all the families of survivors and current survivors of the tragedy that was the now deceased ferris wheel attraction. They all gather in the auditorium for the anniversary grieving and assembly.

The building is filled with beautiful candlelit vigils for each and every person lost to the incident. Flowers and tapestry line the hallways for the atmosphere giving a soft and welcoming feeling to the vast array of individuals who worked at the fair and their grieving families.

Tabitha approaches the front desk and takes off her top hat and disrobes from her overwhelming attire to reveal her black leather funeral garments that she arrived with in a respectful manner. She asks to pay respects to each and every individual personally for she was their boss and employer. It only seemed right to her.

She approaches the pedestal and microphone on the stage of the auditorium and begins her opening speech for the families in the room.

Tabitha: To everyone here, I humbly ask you to quiet down as I detail my most sincere apologies for this horrifying event. I’-

A bottle is tossed at her face from the crowd interrupting her speech. It was thrown from one of the survivors’ mothers. She yells out at tabitha in disgust.

Angered Mother: HOW DARE you even THINK of showing your face here! My son was a beautiful boy and now he has lost his arms and his beautiful face because of you! He can barely eat right anymore and you stand there thinking this will be okay after you say some stuff!? How are you even alive you scumbag! You did this for your money! Nothing about you is welcome here!

Tabitha: Listen! I come here because I KNOW who started the fires. I’m only here to tell you the truth about what happened, and why your loved ones are now deceased. I worked with these wonderful people and they helped make my dreams come true so PLEASE understand I know how much you hurt to lose them.

Tabitha begins choking and holding back tears in her eyes. She holds up some paperwork she assembled from a file in her handbag. She holds up a picture of Mrs. Roselle White from facebook she printed out the night prior.

Tabitha: THIS! Is the woman who I believe to be the one who placed the explosives in my roller coaster and moved those axles out of place in the structure! She’s over there in the green hat! I know for a fact that SHE was responsible for this whole accident.

The audience looks towards a woman wearing a green summer hat in a white flowing dress. She takes off the hat and indeed it seems to be Miss Rose White in the flesh.

RW: oh tabitha. How could you dare charge me with all this? Don’t you know that every night we routinely did the tests and operations I was always cleaning up afterwards? I would never have done anything to stop such a… unique contraption. I honestly just wanted out of work for the week because I was getting tired of it all. The reason i wasn’t there that day is because i was with my wife.she can attest to that and i’m certain you know her. She drives you all over the place every time you get tourists into your park.

Tabitha: You both are married? Why did I never…

RW: you never ask your employees shit. You treat us like cogs and quite literally that WAS our jobs. Cogs in your stupid craft. Look, I was not even around to put anything out of place to begin with. You have nothing on me.

Tabitha: then… but…. It HAD to be you! Everything was so perfect! You were missing! You were the one there to move those pieces and how about those fluids, huh? And keeping the reels constantly messed up using those hidden spikes installed behind the pulleys and all of those cogs that were shifted slightly out of place? I mean only you would have been able to get out and put C4 units underneath the transformer and the generator in the back of the roller coaster! I bet you didn’t even think of how you could have possibly got behind that curtain and messed with the coils and springs just at the right time? I mean yeah! It's SO easy working with you dimwits all day who try and make this thing work but then the vagrants I hired were so lazy I could barely get them to do their HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING WHY ARE YOU ARRESTING ME!!! STOP!!!

Tabitha was handcuffed and taken down to the local police station where she was given her rights and given a severe interrogation. Though it seems she wasn’t entirely in on the mistake that was the living ferris wheel, she definitely had something to do with who worked inside of it.

The truth was revealed to the public two years later in November 2022. She was hiring several vagrants and lowlifes who would litter and disrupt the estate for high priced daily positions they wouldn’t dare refuse. She placed them in very difficult to escape positions inside of the contraption and used them as stepping stools inside of the machine to keep them busy and in a place where IF something were to happen, they would take the most damage and have the least ability to escape. Though it seems it wasn’t entirely planned to perfection. She bit off more than her company could chew and she is now serving a life sentence for attempted murder in the first degree.

The only piece of the puzzle that never set right with the officers was the hooks on the ride that were placed inside certain people. Some of the hired workers had huge holes pierced through their hands, feet, and skin that would assist their…. Rotary duties inside of the structure. Some of the pieces of the bodies were covered in diesel fuel which made absolutely no sense to the forensics team.